Sandy Hook School Building Facade Panels
New Town, Connecticut
I was invited to design fifteen exterior panels for the new Sandy Hook School in Newtown, Connecticut. I was charged to create something colorful and bright to playfully invite visitors to the facility. The designs are based on drawings from a children’s workshop I facilitated with students from the school. Fourteen small panels are installed under the windows along the main facade with a single large panel over the pre-k entrance. This project spanned two years and involved multiple community meetings and collaborative sessions. The project was completed August 2016.

Sandy Hook Elementary School Facades

Sandy Hook Elementary School Facades

Sandy Hook Elementary School Facades

Student Workshop

I created an activity for the children of the school where they drew the shadows of natural obects. The shadows were drawn over each other and used as the foundation of a series of 13 panels which became a part of the facade.

Sandy Hook Elementary School Facades

Sandy Hook Elementary School Facades

Sandy Hook Elementary School Facades

Sandy Hook Elementary School Facades

Sandy Hook Elementary School Facades